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MARKETS _ Energy

What is the impact of developments in the energy sector, and particularly in the management of its infrastructure?

How will current energy management systems be upgraded to meet the new challenges?

Achieving excellent asset management performance is critical to electricity and utility organisations (P&U). Many of the public utility assets in operation today were put into operation post-WWII during periods of buoyant investment activity. However, since then investment levels have not always gone hand in hand with the need for developing new or replacing existing P&U physical assets.

At the same time, the electricity and utilities sectors are undergoing a period of radical transformation, driven by technological innovation, such as the advanced smart building systems, or power plant control systems, to name a few. Utilities are moving towards a new value chain, enhanced and interconnected with digital technologies, with power and information flowing in both directions.

In addition, renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal power are the systems, to which the planet turns to obtain energy without the planet-warming effects of fossil fuels. These sweeping changes are transforming the energy industry and the challenges it faces.

Utility companies, as part of their upgrade and modernisation, will be asked to assess their current maturity in relation to upcoming standards and use the results to help understand the gaps between “as is” and “will be” of their physical asset management system.

In this modernisation process, Atom Group can make an accurate assessment of the current maturity as an independent evaluator and can further undertake specific upgrade, maintenance and restoration work.


Service Market
Operational readiness of power stations
& electricity distribution systems
Assessment of power transmission pylons and transformers
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