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MARKETS _ Culture

Do you wonder how Culture is related to Physical Asset Management?

Why are the industry’s physical assets related to its potential economic prospects?

Until a few decades ago, the field of Culture was recognised as a source of personal enjoyment. Today the potential development of culture as an industry with a strong economic impact is clearly visible and desirable. Such an industry, not only contributes, for example, to tourism and the hotel business, construction renovations and even the transport network, but encourages innovation and becomes crucial in terms of employment. The cultural, tourism and creative sectors were among the most affected by the recent economic crisis and the pandemic, in terms of sustainability and development.

With regards to buildings, infrastructure, and equipment of archaeological sites together with the exhibits themselves, if there is no maintenance and protection, then these physical assets will not be able to maintain their integrity and offer their value.

Only through a comprehensive asset management approach [Physical Asset Management, or PAM] will Cultural Institutions [whether public or private] be able to face current challenges as well as secure and capitalise on their physical assets, in collaboration with Atom Group.

Our PAM approach includes services that can be offered as a whole or in part, and range from strategic consulting, condition assessment, inspections and technical controls, to preventive maintenance or security systems. These are aimed at ensuring the integrity of each cultural physical asset and optimising its value.

Atom Group, through its experts, can also help state or local organisations to successfully manage processes of urban transformation, in which cultural institutions play a central role.

Service Market
Technical design and control for the internal armature restoration of monuments and statues
Security design and consulting at archaeological sites.
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